I want to share why I’ve decided to leave YouTube. Firstly, I’ve transitioned to having my own independent media because I want to break free from the idea that success means being a YouTube star. There were several issues I faced on the platform that led to this decision.

One big problem was how YouTube would restrict or “shadow ban” accounts without clear reasons, especially if content wasn’t deemed advertiser-friendly or got too political. This caused tensions between creators and YouTube.

Money was another issue. Sometimes, I didn’t receive the proper payment for my views, and YouTube couldn’t explain why. They often blamed it on vague errors or AI glitches, leaving creators feeling shortchanged.

So, I’ve decided to focus on platforms where I have better relationships, like Facebook and Instagram, as well as my own independent media channels. I won’t be returning to YouTube until they address these issues and ensure fair pay.

You can still find my content on my influencer website and other platforms where I share videos and podcasts. Thanks to everyone who supported me on YouTube, but for now, I’ll be exploring other avenues. See you there!

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